Scouts: Cameron Jensen, Nick Jensen, Max Francis, and Miles Gantt
Scouters: Chris Jensen, Pete Corbett, John Pelick and Terry Carpenter
Although this was not a Troop 772 outing it was attended in force by the crew preparing for their Philmont Trek. Our planned trek had an itinerary of over 80 miles , but with all the side hikes we were well over 100 miles for the week. This hike up the Standing Indian was an up however it did not hold a candle to the “UPS” and altitude in Philmont.
Mr. Pelick our “Leader in Charge” walked the scouts trough all the standard operating procedures for a trek at Philmont such as setting up the proper rain fly, to easily preparing one pot meals with as little fuel as possible, to thoroughly cleaning up and sanitizing our cooking utensils to avoid the dreaded trail virus!
Cameron our cook for the trek cooked us a great dinner of an actual Philmont meal that Mr. Pelick had ordered for us.
The evening was extremely windy on top of the mountain yet temperatures were mild.
The trip down was speedy so we enjoyed a hearty family style brunch at the Dillard House.
Great weather, Great fellowship, Great scouting.
Scoutmaster Corbett