Troop 772, Marietta, GA

News, information, and photos from BSA Troop 772 in Marietta, GA. Visit our web page at!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Troop Meeting December 15th

Today we had a laid back troop meeting, and there was lots of time for scouts to get caught up with rank advancements before the holidays.

Alpha Wolves: Aaron Ward, Egan Donely, and Justin Kerr
Falcons: Michael Kerr, Aaron Mullally, Michael 2.0, and Ricky Rachke
Burning Arrows: Nicholas Taylor
Griffins: Eddie Carter
Trolls: Addison Brown, Mason Favro, THE Jeremy Smith*, and Jeremiah Menzies

*Jeremy wanted special attention on the sign up sheet


Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Troop Meeting December 1st

Today, Aiden led the troop in a first aid-and-other-safety demonstration. While everyone learned more about safety, some adults held six board of reviews tonight! Finally, greenery was handed out to all who sold during the fundraiser.

Remember everyone: don't feel shy about posting comments! We want to know how you felt during the meeting, or campout, to improve your overall experience.

Alpha Wolves: Michael 3.0, Justin Ker, Aaron Ward, Shep, and Egan
Falcons: Michael 1.0, Michael 2.0, Aaron Mullaly, and Kalen Henry
Burning Arrows: Nicholas Taylor
Griffins: Edie Carter, Andrei Edwards, Jacob Jeffords, and Davis Miller
Trolls: Aiden Dinehart, Mason Favro, Jeremiah, and Chris
Phoenix: Patrick Dinehart
