Troop 772, Marietta, GA

News, information, and photos from BSA Troop 772 in Marietta, GA. Visit our web page at!

Friday, July 09, 2010

Summer Camp 2010

Summer Camp was busy for the whole troop. We had 24 scouts attend Woodruff this past June with many adults along the way to help out. Many of the new scouts attended the Mountain Man Program. This is a key program for all first year scouts to get a good start on their road to Tenderfoot & First Class. Other activities attended were:

  • Water Sports - Scouts learned to Water Ski and Wake Boarding
  • Climbing - High, very high adventure with scouts scaling 50' walls, repelling down them and flying along a 100 yard Zip Line.
  • Cooking - Scouts learned how to cook a good meal, for both at Home or on the Trail.
  • Emergency Prep - Scouts learned how to prepare for the worst, and hope it never comes, but a MUST KNOW.
  • Rifle/Shotgun and Bow/Arrow - With the emphasis on safety, scouts learned how to use them all.
  • Rafting Trip down a river.
plus many many more activities, Woodruff offers them all.



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