Troop 772, Marietta, GA

News, information, and photos from BSA Troop 772 in Marietta, GA. Visit our web page at!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Ryan's Eagle Project

September and October was a busy month for Eagle Projects.   Ryan K. chose a project that supported John Knox Church in several ways.  We had two full days in spreading fresh mulch for the pre-school play ground.  We had another day in which the church storage shed was pressure washed in preparation for painting, and then we had the main project on October 6th and 7th in which the Troop and Volunteers removed trash, made two new benches,  cleaned out the shed, installed shelves and new steps into the shed, and finally gave the shed a much needed paint job.  In all then, 24 Scouts and 19 Adults participated during the entire project which accumulated over 250 man-hours.