Troop 772, Marietta, GA

News, information, and photos from BSA Troop 772 in Marietta, GA. Visit our web page at!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Coosa Backcountry Campout

Over the weekend a small group of scouts went on a beautiful backpacking trip, and, according to Patrick, a great kayaking trip! We hiked six miles both Saturday and Sunday morning. There was lots of uphill and downhill throughout the hike. There was lots of time to relax Saturday afternoon. The Philmont meals were delicious, just as soon as the stoves would work! Everyone woke up early Sunday morning to hike back to the vehicles. Everyone had a great time.

Please post a photo to the Yahoo Group, or send a photo of the ca
mpout to me!

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At 10/28/2015 11:25 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This was one of my favorite backpacking trips this year! Not only was it almost all up-hill, but I broke the lucky 400 miles of backpacking with a good crew. The Philmont meals were alright (the rice dinner was fantastic) but the best part was kayaking ~3400 ft of elevation.


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